Consulting Services and Professional Development to Support School and District Leaders

New Solutions K12 serves as a partner to school and district leaders, helping them address their biggest challenges and cost-effectively raise student achievement by shifting from past practices to best practices. Our consulting services and professional development programs draw upon our decades of on-the-ground experience, evidence-based research, and deep knowledge of best practices to help leaders not only understand what works, but also how to implement new solutions successfully at both the school and district levels.

We’ve proudly served as a partner to more than 300 districts across 30 states and would be happy to discuss how we might support your school and district leaders in addressing whatever challenges you may be facing.


Consulting Services

We provide expert-led, best practices-informed advice and support to help your school or district succeed. Our team works closely with school or district leadership, responding to your unique goals and context, to achieve improvements that are good for students, staff, and the budget.

With decades of experience partnering with hundreds of districts, we have seen a lot. Our team can help navigate whatever challenges come your way, every step of the way, including planning, implementing, building buy-in, and managing change.

Professional Development

We help school and district leaders build internal capacity, increase collaboration, and deepen buy-in for change through our professional development offerings. These expert-led, interactive programs are designed in partnership with your school or district and are customizable to meet your needs and goals.

Across all topic areas, these sessions are designed to provide practical, actionable advice to school and system leaders that will help them work smarter, not harder.

Areas of Expertise


Students with disabilities deserve better life outcomes. and best practices show the way. A new approach that integrates general education can change lives. Best of all, the six shifts are affordable as well as impactful.



RTI and MTSS hold much promise to close the achievement gap, but too often implementation challenges undermine their full potential. Lessons learned from the field can turn opportunity into reality.



Every minute of the day is precious, yet too many teachers and principals lament that their schedule gets in the way of teaching and learning best practices. Bringing group decision making and scheduling expertise together can change this.

HOW WE HELP: Elementary Schedules →
HOW WE HELP: Secondary Schedules →
Secondary Scheduling Academy →



All districts are struggling to meet the growing social, emotional and behavioral needs of children but with mixed results. Classroom teachers are burning out and need more effective efforts. Best practices can show the way.



Resources are tight while needs and costs grow. The pandemic made a difficult situation much worse. New approaches to budgeting, spending and staffing are needed. Students, staff and taxpayers can all benefit.



With decades of experience across more than 25 states and hundreds of districts, we have seen a lot. Our team can help navigate whatever challenges come your way from planning, implementing, building buy in and managing change.


Let’s Get Started

Our team of consultants and experienced district leaders is here to help navigate whatever challenges your school or district may be facing. We are happy to connect to discuss your unique circumstances, needs, and goals.